I sincerely hope this is not a real Christian stereotype. While, for sure, our focus should be on kingdom things, and kingdom first living, I don’t think everything else is to be deemed unimportant because it does not affiliate itself with Christianity.
Did that make sense..?
Ryan’s Reads
I love reading books and quotes and want to share some of my recent reads with you! • The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni – The church board and staff are reading this book on effective teams, clarity and communication. • The Epic of Eden by Sandra L. Richter – Making sense of the Old Testament […]
Trick Or Treat?

A message from the Evangelism Team (by Brad Wright) Tired of bunkering down in your basement with lights off, hoping “little devils” won’t ring your doorbell? Tired of tagging along with your kids while they stock up on their sugar fixin’s to get them through to Christmas while you freeze your Tootsie Rolls? Regardless of […]
The Best Full Body Workout
Mavis shares a personal reflection on meditating on God’s Word…
Pay It Backward
We’ve all familiar with things like the movie “Pay it Forward” and the Random Acts of Kindness movement. No doubt many of you could tell stories in…
No Hands but Our Hands

… I get asked a lot how camp was this year. I usually paint a positive picture. Seventy-four bright young souls came into deeper contact with Jesus Christ. They were taught from His Word, and fed with His love. There was fun, silliness, and adventure. All walked away happy. Perfect, right?
It would be, if that’s how the story ended…
Jr.High Camp = Outreach Success
Well, Jr. High camp this year was my first experience at Pineridge Adventure Camp, and I’d say the camp was a huge success! Tons of fun was had by campers and leaders alike, with many memories made and highlights to share… but I’ll only mention a few things here. I feel confident that the campers […]
Summer Celebrations in Glory Garden
There are always reasons to celebrate at Glory Garden! The very fact that we get to serve Grande Prairie families and their children by offering quality, affordable care for over 5000 hours each month is quite the deal in itself!! Especially since we are able to share the message of His amazing love for each […]

I love storms!! I love the furious clouds that swirl and twist and turn in their mad dance, hovering over the earth. I love to see the power of nature burst forth in thunder and lightning, unpredictable where it may strike next. Our home is perfectly situated – on a hill. I can see for miles and take in the ominous (that was one of my mom’s favourite words) skyline. Sometimes I can’t see very far at all because of the blanket of fog which has wrapped itself around our dwelling. I’d love to be present during a tornado or hurricane – as long as I am safe, as an observer but not a participant. Is that even possible?
Life brings storms. Sometimes little disturbances and sometimes huge ripping, tearing of the soul and spirit….
Why Is Church Music So “Poppish”?
On this question, one could take a dark view. You could say that we (ie the church) sound like pop culture because we are like pop culture; self-centered, intellectually truncated, ignorant of history, ruled by sentiment, and the like. Talking like this makes you feel like a prophet.